Autumn is coming…
With the harsh summer light fading to beautiful golden tones and the trees starting to bloom into rich browns, Autumn is definitely on it’s way. All the atmosphere of morning mist, low sun and late sunrises make this time of year a joy for photography.
I thought I would recap on previous Autumn’s images to get in the mood for what is to come…
Kiev 88CM - Kodak Portra 160
With the woodland floor carpeted with fallen leaves colour film is the way to go, this scene in the summer is in dark shadow with the trees blocking out the light, but now the light can penetrate the canopy. I’ve shot this avenue so many times in all conditions but Autumn is when is really shines.
Only a mile away from the first image, but this time in full colour, with the cloud diffusing the light - a contrast to the harsh light of summer. I don’t find the summer particularly inspiring, but this time of year I feel alive.
Vivitar TW35 - Agfa XRG200
Its not just about the colour of the season, lets not forget the moody mist and fog that accompanies it - where a roll of HP5 really shines…
Minolta X-300 - Ilford HP5
Add trees to the fog and I am in my happy place!
Kiev 10 - KosmoFoto 100
One more marvel are natures little damp loving creations - of course it’s the mushrooms and fungi. I’ve spent many a wet morning searching the forest floor for the seemingly endless variations sprouting out of the leaf litter or a fallen tree. I usually shoot these on digital but have on occasion set up the Kiev. The waist level viewfinder make things much easier than led on the wet floor trying to see through a traditional eyepiece.
Kiev 88CM - Kodak Portra 160
I have had plans to visit waterfalls in Wales every October/November for the past few years. I can just imagine the river in full flow after days of constant rain cascading over the falls, with a backdrop of golden leaves, a hint of mist in the air and light diffused through an overcast sky. But when the conditions are perfect, something always gets in the way. This year is no exception, but I guess the Norwegian Fjords trip trumps Welsh waterfalls this time…