Hit or miss APS film stocks…
With fresh APS film stocks long gone, it is a lottery when shooting film that is well past its best. Some films fair better than others over time, and the age old question of ‘how was it stored?’. I generally pick it up from car boot sales - inevitable of a blazing hot day when it has been sat on a stall all day in direct sunlight!
I have to say the Fuji Nexia faired the best from the rolls I’ve shot with nice colours, and not too bad grain considering the age. The results may be partially down to the equipment - The Canon EOS IX was a premium APS camera so maybe not that fair to compare to the likes of the tiny Pentax Efina point & shoot.
As with all film formats, it’s not just the old weird films, lets not forget those weird old camera designs too… I love the Fuji Fotonex 4000i, which is a keeper in the collection
With still a few rolls of APS in the fridge, and a few more untried cameras maybe I should chuck a roll in and have a play…