My most used cameras…
In the twelve years since I started shooting film again after the digital revolution, I have shot over 350 films in over 200 different cameras. I thought it would be an interesting exercise to see which were the most used cameras - generally I only use a camera once, but there are some which I keep coming back to.
So here are my to five (well six actually) most used:
In joint fifth place is the Kiev 60 and Kodak 66 - both with eight rolls shot. The Kiev is a joy to use with the waist level finder, but it usually takes second place to another Kiev if I want to do some serious medium format. The Kodak will definitely see more use in the future as I take more cheap flights to explore Europe and can’t carry the big boys!
In fourth place is the Canon EOS 300V, usually with the Canon 28-90mm lens. Yes there are better combinations like the EOS 5 with 50mm f1.8 but that is a bigger camera so needs a purpose to carry it. With eleven films shot, it has accompanied me to such exotic locations as Norway, Turkey and France. I’m not a great fan of the silver body, but for it’s user experience I rather like it.
Fourth most used, and surprisingly the Olympus μ[mju:]-II has had only twelve rolls through it in the six years of ownership, but with it’s tiny stature it will undoubtedly be joining me for more adventures. Every analogue photographer should own a mju or similar point & shoot to always have in your pocket as you never know when the light will be just perfect - like the sample image below, I was driving home and had to stop on the side of the road for this one.
At the number two slot is the gorgeous Kiev 88CM - my pride and joy - the one that will never be sold. It is just such a different experience to the rest of my collection (even the Zenith 80 which is it’s grandfather!), the viewfinder is pure magic. I have shot nineteen rolls of 120 with it. I own only one lens for it, because why would you need more than the Arsat C 80mm f2.8!
Taking the top spot in this little countdown is the much under rated Chinon CE-5 with twenty-two films. I have it paired with the SMC Pentax-M 50mm f1.7 most of the time, and occasionally the Power Winder just for fun I simply love this camera! So much so, that I bought the original kit boxes, a spare body and have re-painted in olive drab which does look awesome if I say so myself. I am currently working on another customization where I am removing the hot shoe to unclutter the top and a fresh coat of paint which a tad more load than the olive one.
The Eighties styling is wonderful, and the user experience is excellent, with a great viewfinder, lovely little red LED’s for shutter speed and metering. When you consider I am a bit of a Chinon nerd, and have 80-90 different Chinon models with the CE-5 being my favourite with perfect balance between the early manual SLR's and the later fully electronic ones.